I’m interested in a conversation that opens up a space to experiment, play and research, with the ultimate aim of putting into action new dramaturgies.

Below is a complete list of Greg’s publication record, conference presentations and of his public lectures. Links to sites where these publications can be viewed and/or purchased are included where available.
Book Publications
The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary South African Theatre (Co-editor)
A comprehensive survey of South African playwriting and theatre-making by multiple contributors with a weighting towards work from approximately 1990 to 2014. Methuen Drama, London & New York, 2015.
New Territories: Theatre, Drama, & Performance in Post-Apartheid South Africa (Co-editor)
A collection of analytical and comparative essays and interviews by multiple contributors on contemporary South African theatre and drama. Published in the “Dramaturgies” series, by P.I.E.-Peter Lang academic publishers, Brussels, 2015.
At This Stage: Plays from Post-Apartheid South Africa (Editor)
A collection of four South African plays by Mike van Graan, Motshabi Tyelele, Lara Foot and Craig Higginson. Wits University Press, Johannesburg, 2009.
Chapter Publications
On Black & White: Staging South African Identities after Apartheid in Forays in Contemporary South African Theatre. Brill’s Cross/Cultures Series, Volume: 211, Netherlands, 2019.
Introduction in The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary South African Theatre. Methuen Drama, London & New York, 2015.
Emerging Playwrights and Significant Plays in The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary South African Theatre. Methuen Drama, London & New York, 2015.
New Territories: Exploring the Post-Apartheid Stage in New Territories: Theatre, Drama, & Performance in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Published in the “Dramaturgies” series, by P.I.E. Peter Lang academic publishers, Brussels, 2015.
Claiming Western Texts for Contemporary South African Theatre: Issues of Relevance and the Dead-end Pursuit of National Identity in New Territories: Theatre, Drama, & Performance in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Published in the “Dramaturgies” series, by P.I.E. Peter Lang academic publishers, Brussels, 2015.
Director’s introduction in Brothers in Blood. Published in the “Playscript Series no. 19” by Junket’s Publisher, 2012, p14-17. An introduction focusing on the thematic and staging concerns of Mike van Graan’s play.
Preamble in At This Stage: Plays from Post-Apartheid South Africa. Wits University Press, 2009, p1 – 16. An historical and analytical survey of South African plays from 1994 to 2009.
Introduction in At This Stage: Plays from Post-Apartheid South Africa. Wits University Press, 2009, p17 – 29. An introduction and analysis of Lara Foot’s Reach!, Mike van Graan’s Some Mothers’Sons, Motshabi Tyelele’s Shwele Bawo!, and Craig Higginson’s Dream of the Dog.
Journal Publications
BOOK REVIEW ‘If That Small Sparke Could Yield So Great a Fire’: Morgan Lloyd Malcolm’s Emilia and Eugenie Freed’s A Several Plot in Shakespeare in Southern Africa; Vol 32, 2019.
BOOK REVIEW The Contemporary Political Play: Rethinking Dramaturgical Structure by Sarah Grochala in The South African Theatre Journal (SATJ). Taylor and Francis, November 2017.
Landscape & Body in The South African Theatre Journal (SATJ). Vol23:2009 p149-176.
Publications in Print Media
Language Bridges and Divides. Mail & Guardian. 24th to 30th August 2012. Article on preparing Ariel Dorfman’s Delirium for its world-premiere at The Market Theatre.
Battlers of the Pen and Stage. Mail & Guardian. 6th to 12th August 2010. Greg’s interview with Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka and international playwright and activist Ariel Dorfman.
Stages of identity. Mail & Guardian. 2nd to 8th July 2010. Book review on Anton Krueger’s PhD thesis publication entitled Experiments in Freedom: Explorations of Identity in New South African Drama.
One Person, One Box. Jozi Weekly. 28th May 2008.
Brave Teenagers Tackle Big Issues. Jozi Weekly. 21st May 2008.
Constructing Theatrical Violence. Jozi Weekly. 14th May 2008.
So, what did you think? Jozi Weekly. 7th May 2008.
With woodchips at my feet… Jozi Weekly. 30th April 2008.
Romancing our Political History. Jozi Weekly. 23rd April 2008.
We Need a Space to Play. Jozi Weekly. 16th April 2008.
Is Jozi Boredway? Jozi Weekly. 9th April 2008.
On Black & White: Staging South African Identities after Apartheid.
Keynote speaker at the New Stage Idioms: South African Drama, Theatre and Performance in the Twenty-first Century Conference. Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). 13th May 2017.
Landscape & Body: Staging Violence in South Africa.
Dramatic Learning Spaces conference paper. University of Kwa-Zulu Natal. 23rd Sept 2008.
Public Lectures
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Finding local resonances. Shakespeare Society lecture. 20th February 2011.
Comedy and its role in nascent Democratic States. The Decorative Arts Society (DARTS) lecture. 7th February 2011.
At This Stage: Plays in Post-Apartheid South Africa. The Decorative Arts Society (DARTS) lecture. 8th February 2010.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. Shakespeare Society lecture. 16th March 2008.